
iOS 10, 9, 9.3, and iPhone 6S Updates

iOS 10.0

We have discovered an issue with iOS 10 and iTestMic, iPrecisionMic, and iAudioInterface2. 

If you have more than just the AudioTools App installed on your iOS device, iOS 10 will attempt to start all of the Studio Six Digital audio apps at the same time. This causes problems with communications with the accessory, and also causes the red recording bar to appear on the top of the screen.

We have notified Apple about this issue. The only workaround for now is to delete apps so that only one Studio Six Digital audio app is installed.

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

We have an update coming very soon to support these devices.

iOS 9.0 and 9.3

Upgrade to AudioTools 8.7 and iOS 9.3 or later for best operation. Apple had addressed a number of audio issues in iOS 9.3. Please update to iOS 9.3 and AudioTools 8.7 or later.

iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus Issues


Fixed in AudioTools 7.9.


Also, Apple changed the audio converter chips, and the new converters do not support gain changes, or at any rate Apple does not allow us to change the gain from software, as they did before. Thus, there is only one gain range available for these devices. This limits the maximum SPL that can be read. On my iPhone 6S Plus the limit is about 105 dB SPL.

Also, apparently they don’t allow arbitrary audio sample rate changes, and what’s worse, they do not correctly report the running sample rate of the device. I believe this is a bug, and we have filed a bug report with Apple directly. This causes problems with the FFT in Low Range, STIPA, and several modules including RTA if you select or use the 44.1k sample rate. We have come up with a workaround that will fix this bug in the next AudioTools release which is coming soon.

There is no fix in sight for the gain range issue.

Check this page often, as we will change it as we get more information, or when the next AudioTools update is available.